Trans-European North-South Motorway Project (TEM) |
Trans-European North–South Motorways (TEM) Project, a sub-regional cooperation project set up in 1977 through the technical and administrative support of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, is one of the oldest and the most developed regional infrastructure projects in the history of European transport system.
TEM Project membership comprises 14 member countries. These countries are Austria (as associate member), Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia (Czech Republic), Georgia, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Turkey. Montenegro, Serbia, Sweeden, Ukraine have observer status in TEM Project. Azerbaijani membership is pending, awaiting signature for accession. TEM Project provides direct connection with the highway systems of the Caucasus and Western Asia in the east and the south east while reaching the Trans-European road network of the European Union in the west.
TEM Project aims at contributing to the social and economic development of region through constructing and managing a modern system of motorways and expressways connecting the Baltic, the Adriatic, the Aegean, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea areas, with dual carriageways and at least two lanes in each direction, providing uninterrupted and comfortable traffic service, and meeting high geometric and physical standards. TEM network considerably overlaps with the Trans-European transport networks of the member states of the European Union.
As of 1 January 2011 the total length of TEM Project road network is 24,931 km; as of 1 January 2019 the part of TEM road network existing within the boundaries of our country has a length of about 6,940 km, and this length makes up about 28 % of the length of the whole TEM network.
TEM begins at Kapıkule Border Gate within the boundaries of Turkey, reaches Sarp and Gürbulak Border Gates in the east, Cilvegözü and Habur Border Gates in the south. Most of our roads which are included in the TEM Project are also a part of international E-Roads.